This is the beginning of a Blog for people questioning their career tracks, looking for a more “heart suitable” profession, or trying to determine where exactly their personality best fits in this ever changing world.
The question generally begins with “Who exactly am I and why don’t I feel fulfilled?” The answers to this question are wide and vast and require looking deeply inward. Helping you find the answer is the focus of this blog.
We can’t work for the wrong reasons and expect to stay mentally fulfilled. Psychodynamics is a word that often provides an answer. How did you get to the point you are today, and what drive put you on the current path? The answer lies within your heart and soul, generally a result of experiences, people, and places that have been a positive effect on your life. But below even that, it is a drive to excel where you will have the most impact and that comes from a combination of the heart, mind, and soul, sometimes invisible to unexamined thought. Family, friends, groups, and organizations that have endorsed, affirmed, and advocated for you are the highest forms of catalysts. We all excel when we are in sync with our dreams, goals, and insights. Reading this blog will take it from there, onward and forward to clarify how to find that point of light where “there’s no stopping you!”