iPub Blog


The Human Phenomenon

THE HUMAN PHENOMENON Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. A Portion Briefly Presented and Commented on by  Leonard Swidler (dialogue@temple.edu) [From my reading of Teilhard’s Magnum Opus: The Phenomenon of Man, 1958...

The Human Phenomenon

THE HUMAN PHENOMENON Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. A Portion Briefly Presented and Commented on by  Leonard Swidler (dialogue@temple.edu) [From my reading of Teilhard’s Magnum Opus: The Phenomenon of Man, 1958...

Four facts that will change relations between Christians and Jews in the next decade

Four facts that will change relations between C...

Four facts that will change relations between Christians and Jews in the next decadeAs relations between Christians and Jews have changed and will change, we must change, too.Credit: Religious News Service...

Four facts that will change relations between C...

Four facts that will change relations between Christians and Jews in the next decadeAs relations between Christians and Jews have changed and will change, we must change, too.Credit: Religious News Service...